The WorldCast Systems presentation event!

In a dynamic event held at the RIJA Film Studio in Riga, Latvia, broadcasting professionals and enthusiasts gathered for an seminar hosted by WorldCast Systems. The seminar, which took place on March 19th, 2024, provided participants with an overview of the latest advancements in FM broadcasting technology, audio codecs, and measurement equipment.

Led by WorldCast Systems' leading engineers, the seminar delved into various aspects of FM transmitter lines, audio codecs, and the newest products from Audemat, APT & Kybio. Attendees had the exclusive opportunity to witness a live demonstration of the Ecreso FM 1kW AiO Extreme series FM transmitter in action, complete with demonstrations of its key parameters and the advantages of its built-in APT IP decoder software for audio and MPX over IP decoding, as well as the benefits of its 5-band audio processor.

The seminar agenda was packed with insightful presentations designed to educate and inspire. Beginning with an introduction by A-T Trade Music, the event transitioned into presentations by WorldCast Systems representatives, covering topics such as the company's history, business initiatives, and product line. The sessions also included in-depth discussions on Ecreso transmitters, packages, and live demos, providing attendees with valuable insights into the cutting-edge technologies shaping the future of broadcasting.

Beyond the presentations, the seminar provided ample opportunities for interaction and networking. Attendees had the chance to engage in Q&A sessions with WorldCast Systems experts, enabling them to delve deeper into the technical aspects of the showcased products and gain valuable insights for their broadcasting endeavors. Additionally, personal meetings with WorldCast Systems engineers and representatives were available, fostering meaningful connections and facilitating further exploration of the company's offerings.

The WorldCast Systems seminar in Riga provided a platform for industry professionals to explore and engage with the latest advancements in FM broadcasting, audio codecs, and measurement equipment, the event contributed to the ongoing evolution of the broadcasting landscape. 

For more information about WorldCast Systems and its innovative solutions, please visit their website.

Vēlētos Jūs uzaicināt uz SHURE bezvadu mikrofonu sistēmu semināru, kas notiks A&T TRADE MUSIC veikala telpās š.g. 17, 24 vai 31 martā. Katras dienas seminārs sākas 11:00 un ilgs aptuveni 2 stundas. 

Lai pieteiktos semināram, aicinām Jūs un Jūsu kolēģus aizpildīt anketu, kas ir atrodama zemāk vai arī savus kontaktus ar pieteikumu SHURE semināram sūtīt uz [email protected] vai arī zvanīt uz 29382578. Pie veikala ir pieejama bezmaksas autostāvieta.




  • Analogs vs digitāls – mīti un puspatiesības par digitālo bezvadu mikrofonu sistēmu skaņas aizturi un kropļojumiem joprojām ir aktuāli. Šajā seminārā tiks izskaidroti digitālo sistēmu darbības principi salīdzinājumā ar analogajām sistēmām, bezvadu mikrofonu darbības aspekti un iespējas, komponentu apskats.
  • Bezvadu iekārtu darbības uzlabošanas noslēpumi un paņēmieni – šajā semināra daļā speciālisti izstāstīs par to, kā izvairīties no situācijām, kad lietojot bezvadu iekārtas, ir radušās vai rodas uztveršanas problēmas; kā ar vienkāršiem paņēmieniem uzlabot radīšanas kvalitāti un signāla noturību
  • SHURE digitālo bezvadu sistēmu apskats – ULXD un QLXD sistēmu salīdzināšana, komponentu apskats un demonstrācija, dažādu mikrofona kapsulu salīdzināšana
  • SHURE WORKBENCH - bezvadu mikrofonu kontroles un ētera skanēšanas programmas apskats un demonstrācija, frekvenču diapazonu traucējumu noteikšana un bezvadu sistēmu programmēšana
  • MXW sistēma – bezvadu konferenču sistēmas apskats un demonstrācija. Sistēma ideāli piemērota nelielu konferenču un interneta konferenču tehniskajam nodrošinājumam. 


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